English for Call Centers has been a new experience for me, because even though I had heard about them, I did not know almost anything about what they were about and how they worked. During the development of this course I have learnt a lot about Call Centers and how they function, but I have to recognize also that my participation in classes has not been very active, but that is something normal in me as a student. In the other hand if I have score my performance during the development of the course, I score myself with an eight.

At the better beginning of the course I had almost anything of knowledge about Call Centers, I had just heard about them in the university and on tv but I had never taken the time to find out what they were about, even when because of the major I am taking, it is a job possibility. With the development of this course, now I had a good idea about them, I know how they are constituted and how they work, and even some tips on how to make more money working on Call Centers.

During the classes development, my participation has not been very active, but that is something that happens since the first day I went to school, all my life I have been like that, I prefer to listen to others so I can learnt even more from other’s understanding. Mostly I only participate if I am asked to do it, but it has worked, I consider that I have had a good performance during my school life.

Based on what I have learnt and on my participation if I had to score my performance during this course, I would give myself an eight. I consider that giving myself a ten would be fair, mainly because even when the teacher said since the beginning about how important participation was going to be in classes, I did not participate too much, but I also can say that I have done I good job because I have read everything I have been asked to, and I consider that I have learnt a lot, and I have got a good learning. I find fair also to mention that, maybe having more practice about been in a real Call Center situation would have been a great learning experience. This course was really good.


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